We start up again this month for Writers Connection WritersWALLk0548815Thursday May 15 at 7 pm

Andreas Felger

Andreas Felger

featuring Marc Schelske Marc-Schelske as our speaker. Marc joined us for the first time at the 2014 Faith & Culture Writer’s conference. He says it “was on a whim, egged on by a friend.” And, now he has a contract with D.C. Jacobson Literary Agency to pen his first book!
. . .Marc’s the teaching elder at Bridge City Community Church where he’s served for almost 17 years
In the last three years, he’s been making it a priority to get his writing out there where it can do some good. Marc’s twitter bio says that he is a Writer, speaker, hobbyist theologian, recovering fundamentalist who drinks tea & rides a motorcycle.- Come hear his story,  connect with others, and fellowship over tea and coffee. JOIN OUR Facebook Writers Connection events page- May 15


Writer Connection for May 2014 meets Thursday May 15, 2104 at Rolling Hills Community Church, 3550 SW Borland Road, in Tualatin. Rolling Hills Community Church

Marc Schleske

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