WriterMom Tales: Corralling the Commotion while Savoring the Chaos, Spilled Cheerios, and Prayers of Real-Life Motherhood

WriterMom Tales: Corralling the Commotion while Savoring the Chaos, Spilled Cheerios, and Prayers of Real-Life Motherhood

Genres: Christian Living, Family Life, Motherhood, Parenting
Publisher: Creekside Publishing
Publication Year: 2010
Length: 198 pages
ASIN: 0945272499
ISBN: 9780945272496

You've read the how-to parenting books, heard Hollywood moms' visions of familial bliss, and endured kitschy mothering books' advice to "just be happy," yet real moms want more depth than L.A. entertainment and recycled five-step-plans to parenting perfection. Let's face it - motherhood is hard, and it's okay to admit that you crave quiet sometimes. You love your kids but parenting can be a struggle.

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About the Book

You’ve read the how-to parenting books, heard Hollywood moms’ visions of familial bliss, and endured kitschy mothering books’ advice to “just be happy,” yet real moms want more depth than L.A. entertainment and recycled five-step-plans to parenting perfection. Let’s face it – motherhood is hard, and it’s okay to admit that you crave quiet sometimes. You love your kids but parenting can be a struggle. That’s where WriterMom Tales comes in, offering a fresh and vulnerable take on motherhood, where life lessons are learned through story. Reading WriterMom Tales is like talking to a trusted friend, who overlooks spilled Cheerios and invites you in for coffee and shared experiences, somehow seeing the beauty in the chaos. The essays in WriterMom Tales are perfect for busy moms to savor between children’s naps, carpools, and exhaustion. They deliver wisdom, faith, and humor while affirming the adventure and gift called motherhood.


“Funny, poignant, and heartwarming, WriterMom Tales is a delight to read. Cornelia’s stories are a beautiful reminder for moms like me to slow down in the busyness of life and be more intentional about taking time to enjoy my kids.”

– Melanie Dobson, former corporate publicity manager for Focus on the Family, and author of Love Finds You in Homestead, Iowa and The Silent Order.


“Spiritual common sense for parenting, written with style and humor.”

– Mike Thaler, Zondervan Author of Preacher Creature Strikes on Sunday”


“As a real life mother of five, Cornelia has mastered the fine art of taking you into the complex world of motherhood and brilliant storytelling. Her stories are inspiring, thought provoking, and just plain fun to read.”

– LouAnn Edwards, mother of six, talk show host, award-winning humor writer, and author of “Don’t Make me Laugh, can’t you see I’m in the middle of a crisis?”

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