“Vanport,” an original play written and directed by Shalanda Sims, will be performed at 7:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 15-16 at Jefferson High School, located at 5210 N. Kerby Avenue in Portland. Tickets are $ 10 at the door.

Sims is a descendent of residents who lived in the historical housing project known as Vanport during World War II.

“Vanport” tells the story of families who came by train from all over the United States during World War II to serve their country by working in the Kaiser Shipyards in Oregon.

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During that time, the Vanport housing project became the second largest city in Oregon. Many families stayed after the war, making the city their home until the flood of 1948 washed it away.

Sims gained funding for the play through the  Regional Arts & Culture Council and Pen In My Hand. The actors in the play include Zahira Desphy, who attends Walt Morey Middle School, Syairah Sims, a H.B. Lee Middle School student, and Isiah Sims, who goes to Reynolds High School. Velynn Brown, also a descendent of Vanport residents, will also be acting in the play.

For more information, visit Shalanda Sims website

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