I met Tony Kriz in 2011 after a Persuasion Communications course I was teaching at Multnomah University. As I was gathering up my items to leave class, Tony walked in to the classroom to prepare to teach his class. One of the items still on my desk was a poster of the 2011 Faith & Culture Writers Conference, which had photos of speakers on it, and Tony pointed to the poster. “I know him and him and him,” he said pointing to Richard Twiss, Paul Louis Metzger, Wilson Smith. I asked him if he is a writer and I encouraged him to attend the event. Then, I asked him his name and he said, Tony Kriz, I asked, “Are you Tony the Beat Poet?” “Yes, I am,” he smiled. So many people know him as Tony the Beat Poet from Donald Miller’s book, Blue Like Jazz.
With that introduction, he joined us for the 2011 Faith & Culture Writers Conference and returned in 2013 as a speaker. Faith & Culture Writers Conference
We are happy to welcome Tony to our monthly Writers Connection, Thursday Nov. 21 at 7 pm at Rolling Hills Community Church. Besides being the Beat Poet, Tony Kriz (D. Min.) is an author/teacher of faith and culture through media and at universities, conferences and communities of faith. He teaches in the spheres of Intercultural Studies and Spiritual Formation at Multnomah University and Warner Pacific, among others. His most recent book is titled, Neighbors and Wise Men: Sacred Encounters in a Portland Pub and Other Unexpected Places (Thomas Nelson, 2012). Tony has served in places as diverse as the Muslim World and Reed College. Today, his family lives in North Portland in an imbedded, intentional community. Tony will have his book for sale and be available for signing after the meeting
Writers Connection is a place for literary types to gather to be encouraged, inspired, and engaged in conversation around the written word. We bring in guest speakers, network, connect, and offer an engaging community. For questions, email me at cornelia@corneliaseigneur.com
For more information on Tony, visit his website: Tony Kriz website
Rolling Hills is located at 3550 SW Borland Road in Tualatin Rolling Hills Website