(Originally published in the print edition of The Oregonian, Sept. 18, 2013 SPORTS SPOTLIGHT – JOANNA BRISCOE)




Age:  14 years old

Where she lives:    West Linn

School: West Linn High

Year: Freshman

Sport:             Cross Country

Coach:           Jay Schrotzberger

Highlights of the season:  “I was fortunate enough to make it on the Girls varsity team as a freshman, which is very exciting for me. As an eighth grader I trained with the high schoolers, and during the summer I have been running as well. Our first meet of the season was a 3000-meter race at Wilsonville High School, and I was fortunate enough to win it for the freshman girls, which was a great start of our running season. I want to thank all of my teammates for cheering for me, because without their help I doubt I would have made it.”

How she got started:         “My dad has always enjoyed running and as soon as I was old enough I started running with him. He has been my mentor all along and I love running with him.”

Coach’s advice:      “Hold myself back at the beginning and not strive to be the pack leader until after half of the run in completed.”

Favorite part of sport:        “I absolutely love competition…..the nerves, the intensity and all the heart that goes into it. I run from my heart and my body simply follows. I set myself to a goal and won’t sleep until I have done it.”

Favorite meal the night before the big race:    “My mom’s pasta, which is always great because she it from Italy. Warm oatmeal for breakfast is my comfort food.”

Off-season: “During the off-season I don’t partake in any other sports. I just keep running and working at my academics.”

Rules to live by:       “I am a Christian, so my morals come from the teachings of the Bible. I also work hard at having a positive outlook on everything that life might throw at me.”

 Giving Back: “This summer my family and I went on a medical mission trip to Rwanda with Africa New Life Ministries . It was an amazing and life changing experience for me.”

On her iPod:“I have a lot on my iPod. I love the song Viva la Vida by Coldplay. That is my pre-race song. Then I also love French and Germanpop, reggae, andrap, especially from the bands  Dub Incorporation and CRO (German).”

Books on her nightstand: “Kara Goucher’s Running for Women”) (I’m a big fan of her) and the Runner’s World magazine.”


One thing someone may not know about her: “I like listening to music and have been playing the flute for a number of years.”

What’s next? “My short-term goal is it to have a great running season and to make it to state competition. My personal running goal is to get under 18:30 minutes for a 5 K this year. Most importantly, to have a lot of fun and to be a great supporter for all the other teammates.”

–Cornelia Becker Seigneur: cornelia@corneliaseigneur.com



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