My daughter for Christmas one year gave me a framed poem collage with words and photos crafted out of magazine cutouts. The title of the poem was “Mom Living” or maybe it was just “Mom” as I look at it again. She wrote:

My Mom is the light of my life

She makes me feel I am her world

I get home it smells like a bakery with fresh baked cookies

She says she loves me but she also makes me feel loved

She makes me feel important by going to my concerts

And sports events too

My Mom keeps me going by going on adventures

She makes homemade meals with loving care

She always helps me with the challenges that I may face

Before school she gives me hugs that feel like the sun itself

And with that hug is a prayer for me to do well in class

My Mom always celebrates life when something good happens

She is an example to others who need helž

The light of my life.







All Legs & Curiosity

Perfect Parent

Life is full of celebrations

I have this poem collage on my desk in my office –it is my favorite kind of present from my kids-and I after just now re-reading it I am sobbing. Again.

My daughter gave this to me when she was about in eighth grade. It is a snapshot into her sweet little heart. A sweet homemade gift from her heart.

As I re-read the words and message in her poem collage, I think, oh my goodness; I am humbled by what she remembers about me, that she remembers the adventures and the homemade meals and that I had home baked items for her when she came home from school and that I gave her hugs before and after school and that those hugs felt like the sun and that I prayed for her and that I celebrate life and that I help others and that I support her in all her activities and that I make her feel like she is my world.

As I write this month for 30 Days#howimom30  these thoughts on motherhood and parenting and how we parent and how we mom and dad, I wonder, what will all of my kids remember about their growing up years? What will your kids remember?

One way I see what my daughter remembers is the way she is a mom herself now of two little ones. Such beauty and care and sweetness and adventure my daughter puts into motherhood. She is creating her own memories for her daughter and son. 

They will remember something about you. The question is what?

So, truly one of the big ways I Mom is by Thinking about How I will be remembered.

Dear fellow moms. This is what it is about. We can preach all we want but how are we living our lives? They will remember something about us.

How we treated our kids, how we treated others, how we made our kids feel, how we supported them. Remember that as you mom.

How do you want to be remembered? How are you parenting and living your life so that will be what your kids remember? I’d love to hear from you #howyoumom30

[This is post number 27 in my 30 days of November How I Mom series]

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