My twins are both lifeguards this summer. Last summer, just Micki was but this summer they both have the same jobs at our local pool. And if you live in the Portland, Oregon area, you know how hot it has been.
Yesterday was a scorcher — 99 degrees. As I was on my way home exhausted, I knew that one of my twins was at the pool still working and it was the hottest part of the day; so I decided to stop and get him a Slurpee. I thought it’d be good to get the other lifeguards at the pool one as well, but I wasn’t sure how many kids were working at that time. To be safe, I got four Slurpees.
While walking out of the 7-11 store, I saw Billy, the 25-year-old son of one of my friends whom I hadn’t seen in a while; after a short greeting and exchanging pleasantries, I explained what I was doing with all the Slurpees.
“Just bringing some refreshment up to the pool where my twins work. It’s so hot and this will help cool them down during their upcoming break.”
Then Billy said to me with a huge grin on his face:
“Best mom, ever.”
He just made my day, I thought as I drove up to the Hidden Springs Pool, four Slurpees in a cardboard carrier next to me.
When I arrived at the pool with the treats for Micki and his co-workers, I said:
“Surprise!” as I handed him and his co-worker their treats. There were only two at the time.
Micki had this huge smile on his face as he grabbed his drink.
“Thanks so much Mom! So perfect.”
And to his co-worker he said: “We can have one now and one later.”
Surprise your kids! It was a small thing, it was a simple thing, it was a way to let my kid know I was thinking of him on this very hot day.
Some may call you the best Mom (or Dad) ever for it!
[Day 20: Pray for Your Children]