West Linn Street Dance returns to historic Willamette area July 13

(Oregonlive News Brief West Linn Street Dance) In its sixth year, the West Linn Street Dance takes over much of the historic downtown Willamette area of West Linn on Saturday July 13. The  2008 inaugural Street Dance was a revival of a long ago tradition in the town...

A Bloom in the Sidewalk features stories of six women healed by art

(Published in print edition June 26, 2013 of SW Weekly Oregonian June 26, 2013 and found on oregonlive.com OREGONLIVE STORY ON BLOOM IN THE SIDEWALK) When Kimber Dion and her sister Kristin Schultz, were growing up in the Portland  area, they were both sexually abused...

Camp Kensington benefits Music and Arts Partners and West Linn education foundation

  BY CORNELIA BECKER SEIGNEUR (Originally published in June 19, 2013 print edition The Oregonian  OREGONIAN LINK – CAMP KENSINGTON) Children ages 5 to 12 can travel the world this summer without leaving West Linn, and help a couple of nonprofits while doing...

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