NBA star Steph Curry had to sit out a game in middle school due to this – Yep- Chores matter- How I Mom 20/30
I was watching a Today Show Parents segment called Through Mom's Eyes and it featured an interview with Sonya Curry, the mother of NBA superstar Steph Curry. In the six-minute segment, Sonya mentioned how she once didn’t allow her son to play in a basketball game when...
Like Artists, live in Wonder — How I Mom 19/30
We were at the Portland International Rose Garden recently and saw this rose and if you look really closely the name on this rose is Little Artist and I was intrigued both by the physical beauty and style and color and smell of the rose and also by the name of the...
Make them feel they are your world — How I Mom 18/30
My Omi in Deutschland used to look me in the eyes with her deep dark brown eyes which had the brightest, shiniest beam in them and as she looked at me she would wrap me in her arms and exclaim to me: "Oh, Cornelia. Oh, Cornelia, du bist so lieb" which is German for...
Walk places together — How I Mom 17/30
I love to walk places together with my people, if I can. On this crisp fall sunny cold day, my dad and I and a friend of my parents walked to my dad's church. We were all bundled up and cold and yet it was so awesome. I love this time with my dad. Walking with him the...
Raising Grateful Kids — How I Mom 16/30
When I turned 8-years-old in Corvallis, Oregon, I received 25 cents and a card for my birthday from my friend Jeanie’s Grandma Higgins, and my German mom had me write a thank you note to her. Three times. To get my handwriting just right. When I gave Grandma Higgins...
Be your kids’ dream-believer — How I Mom 15/30
While my husband Chris was growing up, he had always wanted to be a mechanical engineer, so it was quite a surprise when he announced to his father during his senior year of high school, that he might want to skip college and become a mechanic instead. His dad asked...
Get Your Kids Outside Into Nature with You — How I Mom 12/30
Get your kids outside into nature with you to explore. All ages. All stages. Take all the kids. Take just one kid, invite the cousins, go alone, invite a friend of theirs, invite a friend of yours. Go for an hour, go for half a day, go for the entire day. Go...
The Only Formula for How I Mom is Love
Love. The only formula for how I Mom. And try to live my life in general. Love. It’s what our kids need, it’s what we need, it’s what the world needs, it’s what our community needs, it’s what our neighbors need, it’s what our parents need, it’s what our sisters and...
Adjust your parenting to your child’s personality — How I Mom 11/30
When my husband and I “just” had two kids, our first born, our only daughter, and our first son, born 18 months later, we quickly realized that they were so different and that we had to adjust our parenting accordingly. We realized this reality when our Rachel had...
Have your friends part of your life as you raise your kids — How I Mom 10/30
I visited my childhood best friend Jeanie in Corvallis for her birthday and she has been sorting through a bunch of keepsakes that her mom saved for her over the years. She was thrilled to show me some of the items. Letters I had written, stories she had penned that...