by Cornelia Becker Seigneur | Sep 10, 2014 | Faith, Family Life, Kids, Life, Moms, Motherhood, Parenting, Real LIfe
I met with two long time friends of mine, a husband and wife, this week; they’ve been mentors to me and my husband since we were in college where we met through the university ministry CRU. I love it when mentors become friends which is the case with these two. They...
by Cornelia Becker Seigneur | Jul 8, 2014 | Kids, Life, Ministry, Moms, Motherhood, Outreach, Parenting, Writing
My twins, age 16, individually texted me yesterday asking if they could have their friend Tyler over, to spend the night. I was in downtown Portland with my friend Michelle at the First Thursday Art in the Pearl event, and they were at Rosemont Ridge Middle School...
by Cornelia Becker Seigneur | Jul 3, 2014 | Art, Family Life, Home, Life, Moms, Motherhood, Summer, Writing
I love making breakfast for my kids during the summer and on Saturdays off during the school year, and when their friends have spent the night. Crepes are my specialty; crepes smothered in whipping cream and Nutella or sprinkled with lemon and powered sugar or in the...
by Cornelia Becker Seigneur | Feb 10, 2014 | 2014 Faith & Culture Writers Conference, Art, Christianity, Church, Communication, Faith, Faith & Culture Writers Conference, Faith & Culture Writers Connection, Faith and Culture, Faith. Culture. The Arts Connection, Life, Live the Questions, Writing
(Photo: Cornelia Seigneur) (This post originally appeared at The Essence of Faith & Culture Writers Conference -blog post) “Most people come to know only one corner of their room, one spot near the window, one narrow strip on which they keep walking back...
by Cornelia Becker Seigneur | Jan 11, 2014 | Africa, Attitude, Children, Church, Community Service, Culture, Faith, Justice, Kids, Life, Live the Questions, Outreach, Parenting, Youth
It was the week off for Christmas vacation. Only a couple of the children were supposed to be there. At the most, a handful. It was the week that the children would get to be with family members, perhaps at an uncle or aunt’s home, or a host family or friends of the...
by Cornelia Becker Seigneur | Nov 15, 2013 | Character, Children, Community News - Southwest Metro Neighbors Oregonian, Community Service, Faith, Family Life, Justice, Kids, Life, Live the Questions, Oregonian stories, Oregonian SW Community Section, - Oregonian website, Refugees, Southwest Weekly Oregonain, Summer, SW Weekly, West Linn, West Linn Neighborhood Correspondent for Oregonian SW Community, West Linn news, Youth
Presentation Friday Nov. 8 and Saturday Nov. 9 from 7-8 pm: Barbara and Todd Briscoe and family will discuss their Rwanda mission in a one-hour presentation 7-8 pm, Friday and Saturday, Nov. 8-9, at the Lake Oswego Art Center, 510 1st Street, Lake Oswego.Information:...