Our Faith & Culture  Writers Conference returns in 2014 on March 7-8, and we are excited to announce that George Fox University is our sponsoring host. We will be on the beautiful Newberg, Oregon campus.

We are honored that Deidre Riggs and Sarah Bessey are among our featured speakers! Other speakers include Tony Kriz, Sarah Thebarge, Micah Murray, Kurt Bubna, Paul Louis Metzger, Mick Silva, Mesu Andrews, Randy Woodley, Paul Pastor, Emily Maynard, and Karen Spears Zacharias. words13

Our theme verse is:  “God has filled us with the Spirit, with skill, with intelligence, with knowledge, and with all craftsmanship, to devise artistic designs…for work in every skilled craft.” – Exodus 35:31-33

And our five theme words are:  diverse, fresh, craftsmanship, voice, wisdom.

We have an amazing group of people who are joining me this year to bring the conference to you including, Ana Brors, who returns from last year, Taylor Smith, Brooke Perry, Melanie Springer Mock, Matthew O’Connell, Lynn Hare, and our cultural consultant at large Aaron Smith.

Here is a link to our website.  More info to follow!



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